How Does Your Website Rank?
In the digital age your website is your most important marketing tool. For most business owners, it is the cheapest and most effective way
to attract new business and increase sales. A lot of business owners treat their website as an electronic billboard that simply lists the
who, what and where of the business, however, the primary purpose of your website is to attract more leads and generate more revenue.
It’s your silent sales person working 24/7 yet less than two percent of businesses have websites that really deliver.
How Does Your Website Compare?
There are a number of key performance indicators for websites including ‘unique visits’ which tells you how many people have visited your website and the ‘bounce rate’ that indicates how many visitors click through to more than one page, which might suggest a more meaningful visit as distinct from a casual visitor. Of course, the ultimate indicator is a ‘conversion’ where the visitor actually makes a purchase from you via your shopping cart, email or phone order.
To measure the effectiveness of your website, we have put together the table below that lets you keep ‘score’ on your
website’s features and functionality. As it normally quite difficult to assess your own work, you might persuade a colleague or
associate to go through the exercise with you.
Results guide:
You need to look at your website as an investment, not a cost. Based on the score you achieved this is what your results mean:
- If you scored 85-100 – Congratulations. It sounds like you have a quality website that should be delivering lots of new customers/clients and providing an excellent return on your investment
- 70-84 – Very Good and your website should be providing a sound return on your investment but may need work on aspects that didn’t score so well.
- 50-69 – Pass, but plenty of room for improvement and you may need to be working on converting visitors to leads and sales.
- Below 50 – Fail. Your website is likely to be losing traffic to your competitors and providing a poor return on your investment. Take action on low-scoring categories as soon as possible!
Lead generation is the lifeblood of any business and marketing can be the difference between a good business and a great business. If you need any assistance with your branding, video production, responsive website design or search engine optimisation, call us today and let’s get to work on your business so it’s more profitable, valuable and saleable.
Other articles in this edition:
- The 7 Website Essentials
- Accounting Software - Another Brick In Your Business Wall
- Business Start Up Corner - What Is Your Cash Clock?
- Book Corner - Good To Great
- Marketing Corner - Email Marketing That Works
- Tech Corner - Voicemail For Your Website & Customised Email Signatures
- Self Managed Super Funds - Property Investments Yes or No?
- Life Insurance Within Your Supperannuation Fund